Installing Sitecore Commerce 8.2.1 – Part 4


In the last post we covered the installation of the Commerce Engine. In this post we will wrap up the Commerce installation with a few final steps.

  1. The Commerce Server Connect update package installs a /MergeFiles/Merge.CommerceServer.config file. The contents of this file should be merged with your /web.config file. The update package also installs a /MergeFiles/Merge.Commerce.Storefront.config file and a /MergeFiles/Views/Merge.web.config. If you installed the reference storefront,  you should merge the contents of these files with your /web.config file and /Views/web.config as well.
  2. Log into Sitecore and go to /sitecore/Sitecore Commerce/Catalog Management/Catalogs. Select your catalog in the Selected Catalogs field. If you installed the reference storefront, select the Habitat_Master catalog. Save the item. If everything is set up correctly, you should be able to see the catalog with some product data under this item.
  3. Publish the site
  4. Rebuild Indexes

At this point you should be up and running. Hopefully your experience with this installation wasn’t as painful as mine. This version of Sitecore Commerce seems to be a waypoint in a very large rewrite of a complex legacy system. I expect that this installation process will be much easier and the documentation much better once the rewrite is complete.